Audit log system table reference
This system table is in Public Preview. To access the table, the schema must be enabled in your system
catalog. For more information, see Enable system table schemas.
This article outlines the audit log table schema and provides you with sample queries you can use with the audit log system table to answer common account usage questions. For information on audit log events, see Audit log reference.
The audit log system table is located at system.access.audit
Audit log considerations
Most audit logs are only available in the region of the workspace.
Only Unity Catalog account-level logs are available in all regions.
Account-level audit logs record
Audit log system table schema
The audit log system table uses the following schema:
Column name |
Data type |
Description |
Example |
string |
Audit log schema version |
timestamp |
Timestamp of the event. Timezone information is recorded at the end of the value with |
date |
Calendar date the action took place |
long |
ID of the workspace |
string |
IP address where the request originated |
string |
Origination of request |
string |
ID of the session where the request came from |
string |
Identity of user initiating request |
string |
Service name initiating request |
string |
Category of the event captured in audit log |
string |
ID of request |
map |
Map of key values containing all the request parameters. Depends on request type |
struct |
Struct of response return values |
string |
Workspace or account level event |
string |
ID of the account |
string |
ID of the event |
Sample queries
The following sections include sample queries you can use to gain insights into your audit logs system table. For these queries to work, replace the values within curly brackets {{}}
with your own parameters.
Some of these examples include verbose audit log events, which are not enabled by default. To enable verbose audit logs in a workspace, see Enable verbose audit logs.
This article includes the following example queries:
Who can access this table?
This query uses the information_schema
to find out which users have permissions on a table.
FROM system.information_schema.table_privileges
WHERE table_schema = '{{schema_name}}' AND table_name = '{{table_name}}'
SELECT table_owner
FROM system.information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = '{{schema_name}}' AND table_name = '{{table}}'
FROM system.information_schema.schema_privileges
WHERE schema_name = '{{schema_name}}'
Which users accessed a table within the last day?
Full names are not captured in the log for DML operations. Include the schema and simple name to capture all.
SELECT as `User`,
AS `Table`,
action_name AS `Type of Access`,
event_time AS `Time of Access`
FROM system.access.audit
WHERE (request_params.full_name_arg = '{{catalog.schema.table}}'
OR ( = '{{table_name}}'
AND request_params.schema_name = '{{schema_name}}'))
AND action_name
IN ('createTable','getTable','deleteTable')
AND event_date > now() - interval '1 day'
ORDER BY event_date DESC
Which tables did a user access?
To filter by date range, uncomment out the date clause at the bottom of the query.
action_name as `EVENT`,
event_time as `WHEN`,
IFNULL(request_params.full_name_arg, 'Non-specific') AS `TABLE ACCESSED`,
IFNULL(request_params.commandText,'GET table') AS `QUERY TEXT`
FROM system.access.audit
WHERE = '{{User}}'
AND action_name IN ('createTable',
-- AND datediff(now(), event_date) < 1
-- ORDER BY event_date DESC
Example result
View permissions changes for all securable objects
This query will return an event for every permission change that has occurred in your account. The query will return the user who made the change, the securable object type and name, and the specific changes that were made.
SELECT event_time,, request_params.securable_type, request_params.securable_full_name, request_params.changes
FROM system.access.audit
WHERE service_name = 'unityCatalog'
AND action_name = 'updatePermissions'
View the most recently run notebook commands
This query returns the most recently run notebook commands along with the user who ran the command.
The runCommand
action is only emitted when verbose audit logs are enabled. To enable verbose audit logs, see Enable verbose audit logs.
SELECT event_time,, request_params.commandText
FROM system.access.audit
WHERE action_name = `runCommand`
ORDER BY event_time DESC