Manage workspace email settings

As a workspace admin user, you can configure when users get emails for certain events. To manage the email settings:

  1. Go to the settings page.

  2. Click the Notifications tab.

  3. Enable or disable your desired email settings.

You can also update the notification destinations from this page. For more information on notification destinations, see Manage notification destinations.

Available email settings

  • Email query owners when refresh schedules fail (deprecated): Decide whether query owners are emailed when refresh schedules fail. See Schedule a query.

  • Email alert owners when refresh schedules fail (deprecated): Decide whether alert owners are emailed when refresh schedules fail. See What are Databricks SQL alerts?.

  • Email legacy dashboard owners when refresh schedules fail (deprecated): Decide whether dashboard owners are emailed when the dashboard’s refresh schedules fail. See Automatically refresh a dashboard.

  • Enable dashboard email subscriptions: Enable users to subscribe to dashboards in the workspace. See Dashboard snapshot subscriptions.

  • MLflow model registry email notification: Enable or disable emails about activity on registered models and model versions for the workspace. See Control notification preferences.