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Create clusters, notebooks, and jobs with Terraform

This article shows how to use the Databricks Terraform provider to create a cluster, a notebook, and a job in an existing Databricks workspace.

This article is a companion to the following Databricks getting started articles:

You can also adapt the Terraform configurations in this article to create custom clusters, notebooks, and jobs in your workspaces.

Step 1: Create and configure the Terraform project

  1. Create a Terraform project by following the instructions in the Requirements section of the Databricks Terraform provider overview article.

  2. To create a cluster, create a file named, and add the following content to the file. This content creates a cluster with the smallest amount of resources allowed. This cluster uses the lastest Databricks Runtime Long Term Support (LTS) version.

    variable "cluster_name" {
    description = "A name for the cluster."
    type = string
    default = "My Cluster"

    variable "cluster_autotermination_minutes" {
    description = "How many minutes before automatically terminating due to inactivity."
    type = number
    default = 60

    variable "cluster_num_workers" {
    description = "The number of workers."
    type = number
    default = 1

    # Create the cluster with the "smallest" amount
    # of resources allowed.
    data "databricks_node_type" "smallest" {
    local_disk = true

    # Use the latest Databricks Runtime
    # Long Term Support (LTS) version.
    data "databricks_spark_version" "latest_lts" {
    long_term_support = true

    resource "databricks_cluster" "this" {
    cluster_name = var.cluster_name
    node_type_id =
    spark_version =
    autotermination_minutes = var.cluster_autotermination_minutes
    num_workers = var.cluster_num_workers

    output "cluster_url" {
    value = databricks_cluster.this.url
  3. To create a cluster, create another file named, and add the following content to the file. This file contains variable values for customizing the cluster. Replace the placeholder values with your own values.

    cluster_name                    = "My Cluster"
    cluster_autotermination_minutes = 60
    cluster_num_workers = 1
  4. To create a notebook, create another file named, and add the following content to the file:

    variable "notebook_subdirectory" {
    description = "A name for the subdirectory to store the notebook."
    type = string
    default = "Terraform"

    variable "notebook_filename" {
    description = "The notebook's filename."
    type = string

    variable "notebook_language" {
    description = "The language of the notebook."
    type = string

    resource "databricks_notebook" "this" {
    path = "${}/${var.notebook_subdirectory}/${var.notebook_filename}"
    language = var.notebook_language
    source = "./${var.notebook_filename}"

    output "notebook_url" {
    value = databricks_notebook.this.url
  5. If you are creating a cluster, save the following notebook code to a file in the same directory as the file:

    For the Python notebook for Run your first ETL workload on Databricks, a file named with the following contents:

    # Databricks notebook source
    # Import functions
    from pyspark.sql.functions import col, current_timestamp

    # Define variables used in code below
    file_path = "/databricks-datasets/structured-streaming/events"
    username = spark.sql("SELECT regexp_replace(current_user(), '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_')").first()[0]
    table_name = f"{username}_etl_quickstart"
    checkpoint_path = f"/tmp/{username}/_checkpoint/etl_quickstart"

    # Clear out data from previous demo execution
    spark.sql(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table_name}")
    dbutils.fs.rm(checkpoint_path, True)

    # Configure Auto Loader to ingest JSON data to a Delta table
    .option("cloudFiles.format", "json")
    .option("cloudFiles.schemaLocation", checkpoint_path)
    .select("*", col("_metadata.file_path").alias("source_file"), current_timestamp().alias("processing_time"))
    .option("checkpointLocation", checkpoint_path)

    # COMMAND ----------

    df =

    # COMMAND ----------


    For the SQL notebook for Get started: Query and visualize data from a notebook, a file named notebook-getting-started-quick-start.sql with the following contents:

    -- Databricks notebook source
    -- MAGIC %python
    -- MAGIC diamonds = (
    -- MAGIC .format("csv")
    -- MAGIC .option("header", "true")
    -- MAGIC .option("inferSchema", "true")
    -- MAGIC .load("/databricks-datasets/Rdatasets/data-001/csv/ggplot2/diamonds.csv")
    -- MAGIC )
    -- MAGIC
    -- MAGIC diamonds.write.format("delta").save("/mnt/delta/diamonds")

    -- COMMAND ----------

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS diamonds;

    CREATE TABLE diamonds USING DELTA LOCATION '/mnt/delta/diamonds/'

    -- COMMAND ----------

    SELECT color, avg(price) AS price FROM diamonds GROUP BY color ORDER BY COLOR
  6. If you are creating a notebook, create another file named, and add the following content to the file. This file contains variable values for customizing the notebook configuration.

    For the Python notebook for Run your first ETL workload on Databricks:

    notebook_subdirectory = "Terraform"
    notebook_filename = ""
    notebook_language = "PYTHON"

    For the SQL notebook for Get started: Query and visualize data from a notebook:

    notebook_subdirectory = "Terraform"
    notebook_filename = "notebook-getting-started-quickstart.sql"
    notebook_language = "SQL"
  7. If you are creating a notebook, in your Databricks workspace, be sure to set up any requirements for the notebook to run successfully, by referring to the following instructions for:

  8. To create the job, create another file named, and add the following content to the file. This content creates a job to run the notebook.

    variable "job_name" {
    description = "A name for the job."
    type = string
    default = "My Job"

    variable "task_key" {
    description = "A name for the task."
    type = string
    default = "my_task"

    resource "databricks_job" "this" {
    name = var.job_name
    task {
    task_key = var.task_key
    existing_cluster_id = databricks_cluster.this.cluster_id
    notebook_task {
    notebook_path = databricks_notebook.this.path
    email_notifications {
    on_success = [ ]
    on_failure = [ ]

    output "job_url" {
    value = databricks_job.this.url
  9. If you are creating a job, create another file named, and add the following content to the file. This file contains a variable value for customizing the job configuration.

    job_name = "My Job"
    task_key = "my_task"

Step 2: Run the configurations

In this step, you run the Terraform configurations to deploy the cluster, the notebook, and the job into your Databricks workspace.

  1. Check to see whether your Terraform configurations are valid by running the terraform validate command. If any errors are reported, fix them, and run the command again.

    terraform validate
  2. Check to see what Terraform will do in your workspace, before Terraform actually does it, by running the terraform plan command.

    terraform plan
  3. Deploy the cluster, the notebook, and the job into your workspace by running the terraform apply command. When prompted to deploy, type yes and press Enter.

    terraform apply

    Terraform deploys the resources that are specified in your project. Deploying these resources (especially a cluster) can take several minutes.

Step 3: Explore the results

  1. If you created a cluster, in the output of the terraform apply command, copy the link next to cluster_url, and paste it into your web browser’s address bar.

  2. If you created a notebook, in the output of the terraform apply command, copy the link next to notebook_url, and paste it into your web browser’s address bar.


    Before you use the notebook, you might need to customize its contents. See the related documentation about how to customize the notebook.

  3. If you created a job, in the output of the terraform apply command, copy the link next to job_url, and paste it into your web browser’s address bar.


    Before you run the notebook, you might need to customize its contents. See the links at the beginning of this article for related documentation about how to customize the notebook.

  4. If you created a job, run the job as follows:

    1. Click Run now on the job page.
    2. After the job finishes running, to view the job run’s results, in the Completed runs (past 60 days) list on the job page, click the most recent time entry in the Start time column. The Output pane shows the result of running the notebook’s code.

Step 4: Clean up

In this step, you delete the preceding resources from your workspace.

  1. Check to see what Terraform will do in your workspace, before Terraform actually does it, by running the terraform plan command.

    terraform plan
  2. Delete the cluster, the notebook, and the job from your workspace by running the terraform destroy command. When prompted to delete, type yes and press Enter.

    terraform destroy

    Terraform deletes the resources that are specified in your project.