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Databricks Marketplace provider policies

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Provider on the Databricks Marketplace (“Marketplace”). This Marketplace Policy (“Policy”) applies to all Providers and their Listing(s) of Product(s) in the Marketplace. This Policy is part of your Databricks Data Partner Program Agreement (“Agreement”), as well as any other terms that reference this Policy. Capitalized terms not defined in this Policy have the meanings given elsewhere in the Agreement (or the terms to which these apply). For convenient reference: Your Agreement consists of this Policy, the Marketplace Documentation, the Databricks Data Partner Program Overview (“Program Overview”), and the Terms, all as more fully defined in the Program Overview.

Providers must comply at all times with the policies described and/or referenced in this document in order to participate in the Marketplace. If a Provider fails to meet any of the enumerated policies at any given time, Databricks may, among other things, remove the Provider and/or Listing(s) from the Marketplace. We may update this Policy from time to time as set forth in the Agreement.

General Provider requirements

  • To publish a Listing for Products in the Marketplace, you must provide all information required by Databricks. You must:
    • Clearly and accurately describe who you are. In other words, you may not impersonate or imply that a relationship or affiliation that does not exist; and
    • Only use trademarks for which you own or are authorized to use.
  • You must have all necessary rights to sell or share the Product(s) you intend to offer.
  • Only one profile is allowed per Provider, unless otherwise approved in writing by Databricks.
  • Your profile must be accurate and kept up to date.
  • Manipulation of your position in the Marketplace is expressly forbidden.
  • All Providers are expected to promptly respond to all Consumers as follows:
    • Within three business days to inquiries from prospective Consumers requesting access to your Product; and
    • All other inquiries must be responded to within five business days.
  • Providers must deliver the Product as advertised in the Listing and provide Consumers notice when a change is made to the Listing that may affect them.

Listing and Product requirements


  • Any Listing published in the Marketplace must provide all information required by Databricks including but not limited to:
    • An accurate description of what is being offered including a brief and clear explanation of the Product(s);
    • Your Provider/Consumer Terms of use, such as those describing the license grant, any other pertinent terms and conditions, and restrictions (if any) applicable to the Product being offered;
    • Accurate documentation;
    • Update frequency;
    • Whether a Product consists of or includes Data Assets (for example, notebooks or dashboards);
    • A description of Personal Data contained in the Product, if applicable; and
    • Keeping all links up-to-date.
  • Listings may not:
    • Include Personal Data;
    • Include, advertise, or promote illegal content;
    • Encourage or imply illegal, threatening, or violent uses; or
    • Advertise or promote anything other than the Product(s) in the Listing.
  • Products and Listings may not:
    • Infringe any third party intellectual property rights;
    • Contain or provide access to inappropriate, harmful, or offensive content; or
    • Encourage Consumers to access or use the Product outside of the service or functionality set forth in the Listing unless otherwise agreed upon by Databricks.
  • Any material changes to your Listing may be reviewed by Databricks, and Databricks reserves the right to remove the Listing.


  • For clarity - as stated in the Program Overview, if your Product includes Personal Data, you must be legally authorized to share such Personal Data. However, a Product must never include Sensitive Personal Data.
  • If you are offering a Dataset, you must update the Dataset at the most frequent logical refresh rate. Ideally, this is as close to real time as possible.
  • If your Product shares anonymized or aggregated data, you must structure the data in such a way as to ensure that it remains anonymous even when combined with other data.
  • In addition to the requirements in this Policy, your Product(s) must also comply with the descriptions and commitments made in your Provider/Consumer Terms.
  • Any notebooks accompanying queries and/or code content in your materials must work for all Consumers and produce the results advertised in your materials.

Data shared by Databricks with Providers

  • Any usage data we share with you about your Listing is confidential and only for your internal use. You may not use this data for benchmarking.
  • Any Personal Data we share with you may only be used in connection with marketing and selling your Product(s) in your Listing(s) in a manner consistent with your agreement with Databricks, your obligations to Consumers, and in accordance with your privacy policy as well as any other laws that may be applicable.

Delisting and discontinuing a Product

  • You may delist a Listing (cease to offer) at any time, such that new Consumers cannot discover the Listing; and
  • You may cease supplying a Product so long as you:
    • Comply with the notice requirements set forth in the Provider/Consumer Terms but in no event shall said notice be less than 30 days; and
    • Allow any current Consumer(s) continued access to the Product for the remainder of the current term you granted under your Provider/Consumer Terms with the Consumer(s).