February 2023
These features and Databricks platform improvements were released in February 2023.
Releases are staged. Your Databricks account might not be updated until a week or more after the initial release date.
Updated required permissions for new workspaces
February 28, 2023
The set of required permissions for new workspaces changed. To create a workspace, there is a new required permission resourcemanager.projects.testIamPermissions
. There are also several new permissions that are required only for customer-managed VPCs: compute.networks.get
, compute.projects.get
, compute.subnetworks.get
. The Databricks-created workspace service account is granted a role that now includes compute.instances.setLabels
, compute.disks.get
, and compute.disks.setLabels
. This does not affect existing workspaces.
Secure a workspace with private connectivity using Google Private Service Connect (Public Preview)
February 28, 2023
You can now secure a workspace with private connectivity and mitigate data exfiltration risks by enabling Google Private Service Connect (PSC) on the workspace. See Enable Private Service Connect for your workspace.
Ray on Databricks (Public Preview)
February 24, 2023
With Databricks Runtime 12.0 and above, you can create a Ray cluster and run Ray applications in Databricks with the Ray on Spark API. See What is Ray on Databricks?.
Notebook cell output results limit increased
February 23, 2023
When you execute a cell in a notebook, the lesser of 10,000 rows or 2 MB of output is displayed.
Databricks Jobs now supports running continuous jobs
February 22, 2023
You can ensure there is always an active run of your Databricks job with the new continuous
trigger type. See Run jobs continuously.
Databricks Terraform provider updated to version 1.10.0
February 21, 2023
Version 1.10.0 makes updates to databricks_share
, various documentation updates, and more. For more details, see the changelog for version 1.10.0.
Improvements to the MLflow experiment UI
February 17, 2023
The MLflow experiment UI now includes a configurable chart view providing visual model performance insights, a revamped parallel coordinates experience for tuning, and a streamlined table view with enhancements for search and filtering. See Organize training runs with MLflow experiments.
Databricks Runtime 12.2 (Beta)
February 17, 2023
Databricks Runtime 12.2 and Databricks Runtime 12.2 ML are now available as Beta releases.
See Databricks Runtime 12.2 LTS and Databricks Runtime 12.2 LTS for Machine Learning.
Databricks extension for Visual Studio Code (Public Preview)
February 14, 2023
The Databricks extension for Visual Studio Code lets developers leverage the powerful authoring capabilities of IDEs while connecting to Databricks clusters to run code remotely, employing best practices such as source control, modularized code, refactoring, and unit testing.
Databricks Terraform provider updated to version 1.9.2
February 3, 2023
Version 1.9.2 adds a databricks_node_type
selector, a new file library type for databricks_pipeline
, various documentation updates, and more. For more details, see the changelog for version 1.9.2.
Partner Connect is GA
February 3, 2023
Partner Connect is now generally available. See What is Databricks Partner Connect?.
Variable explorer in Databricks notebooks
February 1, 2023
With Databricks Runtime 12.1 and above, you can now directly observe current Python variables and their values in the notebook UI.