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Automate workspace creation using templates

You can create workspaces using the account console or the Account API.

Alternatively, you can automate workspace creation using templates. Templates can help you implement fast, consistent, automated workspace deployments. This article lists template automation options for Databricks accounts.

AWS Quick Start templates

In addition to the workspace creation Quick Start in the Databricks account console, there are additional AWS Quick Start templates you can utilize to automate workspace creation. These templates provide you with slightly more configuration options for things like customer-managed VPC deployment. To learn more and deploy one of these templates, see AWS Partner Solutions: Databricks.


These Databricks AWS Quick Start templates are not formally supported by Databricks. They are maintained by Databricks field teams and provided as is. There is no service level agreement (SLA). Databricks makes no guarantees of any kind. If you discover an issue with the provider, please file a GitHub Issue on the underlying Github repo, and it will be reviewed by project maintainers as time permits.


Terraform is an open-source infrastructure-as-code software tool created by HashiCorp. Users define and provision data center infrastructure using a declarative configuration language. Terraform manages external resources such as public cloud infrastructure, private cloud infrastructure, network appliances, software as a service, and platform as a service.

The Databricks Labs GitHub repository hosts the Databricks Terraform Provider project, which includes documentation for each resource type.

See the following articles for instructions on using Terraform to create and manage workspaces: