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Upsert into a Delta Lake table using merge

You can upsert data from a source table, view, or DataFrame into a target Delta table by using the MERGE SQL operation. Delta Lake supports inserts, updates, and deletes in MERGE, and it supports extended syntax beyond the SQL standards to facilitate advanced use cases.

Suppose you have a source table named people10mupdates or a source path at /tmp/delta/people-10m-updates that contains new data for a target table named people10m or a target path at /tmp/delta/people-10m. Some of these new records may already be present in the target data. To merge the new data, you want to update rows where the person’s id is already present and insert the new rows where no matching id is present. You can run the following query:

MERGE INTO people10m
USING people10mupdates
ON =
id =,
firstName = people10mupdates.firstName,
middleName = people10mupdates.middleName,
lastName = people10mupdates.lastName,
gender = people10mupdates.gender,
birthDate = people10mupdates.birthDate,
ssn = people10mupdates.ssn,
salary = people10mupdates.salary

Only a single row from the source table can match a given row in the target table. In Databricks Runtime 16.0 and above, MERGE evaluates conditions specified in the WHEN MATCHED and ON clauses to determine duplicate matches. In Databricks Runtime 15.4 LTS and below, MERGE operations only consider conditions specified in the ON clause.

See the Delta Lake API documentation for Scala and Python syntax details. For SQL syntax details, see MERGE INTO

Modify all unmatched rows using merge

In Databricks SQL and Databricks Runtime 12.2 LTS and above, you can use the WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE clause to UPDATE or DELETE records in the target table that do not have corresponding records in the source table. Databricks recommends adding an optional conditional clause to avoid fully rewriting the target table.

The following code example shows the basic syntax of using this for deletes, overwriting the target table with the contents of the source table and deleting unmatched records in the target table. For a more scalable pattern for tables where source updates and deletes are time-bound, see Incrementally sync Delta table with source.

.merge(sourceDF, "source.key = target.key")

The following example adds conditions to the WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE clause and specifies values to update in unmatched target rows.

.merge(sourceDF, "source.key = target.key")
set = {"target.lastSeen": "source.timestamp"}
values = {
"target.key": "source.key",
"target.lastSeen": "source.timestamp",
"target.status": "'active'"
condition="target.lastSeen >= (current_date() - INTERVAL '5' DAY)",
set = {"target.status": "'inactive'"}

Merge operation semantics

The following is a detailed description of the merge programmatic operation semantics.

  • There can be any number of whenMatched and whenNotMatched clauses.

  • whenMatched clauses are executed when a source row matches a target table row based on the match condition. These clauses have the following semantics.

    • whenMatched clauses can have at most one update and one delete action. The update action in merge only updates the specified columns (similar to the update operation) of the matched target row. The delete action deletes the matched row.

    • Each whenMatched clause can have an optional condition. If this clause condition exists, the update or delete action is executed for any matching source-target row pair only when the clause condition is true.

    • If there are multiple whenMatched clauses, then they are evaluated in the order they are specified. All whenMatched clauses, except the last one, must have conditions.

    • If none of the whenMatched conditions evaluate to true for a source and target row pair that matches the merge condition, then the target row is left unchanged.

    • To update all the columns of the target Delta table with the corresponding columns of the source dataset, use whenMatched(...).updateAll(). This is equivalent to:

      whenMatched(...).updateExpr(Map("col1" -> "source.col1", "col2" -> "source.col2", ...))

      for all the columns of the target Delta table. Therefore, this action assumes that the source table has the same columns as those in the target table, otherwise the query throws an analysis error.


      This behavior changes when automatic schema evolution is enabled. See automatic schema evolution for details.

  • whenNotMatched clauses are executed when a source row does not match any target row based on the match condition. These clauses have the following semantics.

    • whenNotMatched clauses can have only the insert action. The new row is generated based on the specified column and corresponding expressions. You do not need to specify all the columns in the target table. For unspecified target columns, NULL is inserted.

    • Each whenNotMatched clause can have an optional condition. If the clause condition is present, a source row is inserted only if that condition is true for that row. Otherwise, the source column is ignored.

    • If there are multiple whenNotMatched clauses, then they are evaluated in the order they are specified. All whenNotMatched clauses, except the last one, must have conditions.

    • To insert all the columns of the target Delta table with the corresponding columns of the source dataset, use whenNotMatched(...).insertAll(). This is equivalent to:

      whenNotMatched(...).insertExpr(Map("col1" -> "source.col1", "col2" -> "source.col2", ...))

      for all the columns of the target Delta table. Therefore, this action assumes that the source table has the same columns as those in the target table, otherwise the query throws an analysis error.


      This behavior changes when automatic schema evolution is enabled. See automatic schema evolution for details.

  • whenNotMatchedBySource clauses are executed when a target row does not match any source row based on the merge condition. These clauses have the following semantics.

    • whenNotMatchedBySource clauses can specify delete and update actions.
    • Each whenNotMatchedBySource clause can have an optional condition. If the clause condition is present, a target row is modified only if that condition is true for that row. Otherwise, the target row is left unchanged.
    • If there are multiple whenNotMatchedBySource clauses, then they are evaluated in the order they are specified. All whenNotMatchedBySource clauses, except the last one, must have conditions.
    • By definition, whenNotMatchedBySource clauses do not have a source row to pull column values from, and so source columns can’t be referenced. For each column to be modified, you can either specify a literal or perform an action on the target column, such as SET target.deleted_count = target.deleted_count + 1.
  • A merge operation can fail if multiple rows of the source dataset match and the merge attempts to update the same rows of the target Delta table. According to the SQL semantics of merge, such an update operation is ambiguous as it is unclear which source row should be used to update the matched target row. You can preprocess the source table to eliminate the possibility of multiple matches.
  • You can apply a SQL MERGE operation on a SQL VIEW only if the view has been defined as CREATE VIEW viewName AS SELECT * FROM deltaTable.

Data deduplication when writing into Delta tables

A common ETL use case is to collect logs into Delta table by appending them to a table. However, often the sources can generate duplicate log records and downstream deduplication steps are needed to take care of them. With merge, you can avoid inserting the duplicate records.

USING newDedupedLogs
ON logs.uniqueId = newDedupedLogs.uniqueId

The dataset containing the new logs needs to be deduplicated within itself. By the SQL semantics of merge, it matches and deduplicates the new data with the existing data in the table, but if there is duplicate data within the new dataset, it is inserted. Hence, deduplicate the new data before merging into the table.

If you know that you may get duplicate records only for a few days, you can optimize your query further by partitioning the table by date, and then specifying the date range of the target table to match on.

USING newDedupedLogs
ON logs.uniqueId = newDedupedLogs.uniqueId AND > current_date() - INTERVAL 7 DAYS

This is more efficient than the previous command as it looks for duplicates only in the last 7 days of logs, not the entire table. Furthermore, you can use this insert-only merge with Structured Streaming to perform continuous deduplication of the logs.

  • In a streaming query, you can use merge operation in foreachBatch to continuously write any streaming data to a Delta table with deduplication. See the following streaming example for more information on foreachBatch.
  • In another streaming query, you can continuously read deduplicated data from this Delta table. This is possible because an insert-only merge only appends new data to the Delta table.

Slowly changing data (SCD) and change data capture (CDC) with Delta Lake

DLT has native support for tracking and applying SCD Type 1 and Type 2. Use APPLY CHANGES INTO with DLT to ensure that out of order records are handled correctly when processing CDC feeds. See The APPLY CHANGES APIs: Simplify change data capture with DLT.

Incrementally sync Delta table with source

In Databricks SQL and Databricks Runtime 12.2 LTS and above, you can use WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE to create arbitrary conditions to atomically delete and replace a portion of a table. This can be especially useful when you have a source table where records may change or be deleted for several days after initial data entry, but eventually settle to a final state.

The following query shows using this pattern to select 5 days of records from the source, update matching records in the target, insert new records from the source to the target, and delete all unmatched records from the past 5 days in the target.

MERGE INTO target AS t
USING (SELECT * FROM source WHERE created_at >= (current_date() - INTERVAL '5' DAY)) AS s
ON t.key = s.key
WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE AND created_at >= (current_date() - INTERVAL '5' DAY) THEN DELETE

By providing the same boolean filter on the source and target tables, you are able to dynamically propagate changes from your source to target tables, including deletes.


While this pattern can be used without any conditional clauses, this would lead to fully rewriting the target table which can be expensive.