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Custom metrics


This feature is in Public Preview.

This guide explains how to use custom metrics for evaluating AI applications within Mosaic AI Agent Framework. Custom metrics provide flexibility to define evaluation metrics tailored to your specific business use case, whether based on simple heuristics, advanced logic, or programmatic evaluations.


Custom metrics are written in Python and give developers full control to evaluate traces through an AI application. The following metrics are supported:

Custom metrics can use:

  • Any field in the evaluation row.
  • The custom_expected field for additional expected values.
  • Complete access to the MLflow trace, including spans, attributes, and outputs.


The custom metric is passed to the evaluation framework using the extra_metrics field in mlflow.evaluate(). Example:

import mlflow
from databricks.agents.evals import metric

def not_empty(response):
# "yes" for Pass and "no" for Fail.
return "yes" if response.choices[0]['message']['content'].strip() != "" else "no"

def my_model(request):
deploy_client = mlflow.deployments.get_deploy_client("databricks")
return deploy_client.predict(
endpoint="databricks-meta-llama-3-1-70b-instruct", inputs=request

with mlflow.start_run(run_name="example_run"):
eval_results = mlflow.evaluate(
data=[{"request": "Good morning"}],

@metric decorator

The @metric decorator allows users to define custom evaluation metrics that can be passed into mlflow.evaluate() using the extra_metrics argument. The evaluation harness invokes the metric function with named arguments based on the signature below:

def my_metric(
*, # eval harness will always call it with named arguments
request: Dict[str, Any], # The agent's raw input as a serializable object
response: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], # The agent's raw output; directly passed from the eval harness
retrieved_context: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]], # Retrieved context, either from input eval data or extracted from the trace
expected_response: Optional[str], # The expected output as defined in the evaluation dataset
expected_facts: Optional[List[str]], # A list of expected facts that can be compared against the output
expected_retrieved_context: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]], # Expected context for retrieval tasks
trace: Optional[mlflow.entities.Trace], # The trace object containing spans and other metadata
custom_expected: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], # A user-defined dictionary of extra expected values
tool_calls: Optional[List[ToolCallInvocation]],
) -> float | bool | str | Assessment

Explanation of arguments

  • request: The input provided to the agent, formatted as an arbitrary serializable object. This represents the user query or prompt.
  • response: The raw output from the agent, formatted as an optional arbitrary serializable object. It contains the agent’s generated response for evaluation.
  • retrieved_context: A list of dictionaries containing context retrieved during the task. This context can come from the input evaluation dataset or the trace, and users can override or customize its extraction via the trace field.
  • expected_response: The string representing the correct or desired response for the task. It acts as the ground truth for comparison against the agent’s response.
  • expected_facts: A list of facts expected to appear in the agent’s response, useful for fact-checking tasks.
  • expected_retrieved_context: A list of dictionaries representing the expected retrieval context. This is essential for retrieval-augmented tasks where the correctness of retrieved data matters.
  • trace: An optional MLflow Trace object containing spans, attributes, and other metadata about the agent’s execution. This allows for deep inspection of the internal steps taken by the agent.
  • custom_expected: A dictionary for passing user-defined expected values. This field provides flexibility to include additional custom expectations that are not covered by the standard fields.
  • tool_calls: A list of ToolCallInvocation that describes which tools were called and what they returned.

Return value

The return value of the custom metric is a per-row Assessment. If you return a primitive, it is wrapped in an Assessment with an empty rationale.

  • float: For numeric metrics (e.g., similarity scores, accuracy percentages).
  • bool: For binary metrics.
  • Assessment or list[Assessment]: A richer output type that supports adding a rationale. If you return a list of assessments, the same metric function can be re-used to return multiple assessments.
    • name: The name of the assessment.
    • value: The value (a float, int, bool, or string).
    • rationale: (Optional) A rationale explaining how this value was computed. This can be useful to show extra reasoning in the UI. This field is useful, for example, when providing reasoning from an LLM that generated this Assessment.

Pass/fail metrics

Any string metric that returns "yes" and "no" is treated as a pass/fail metric and has a special treatment in the UI.

You can also make a pass/fail metric with the callable judge Python SDK. This gives you more control over what parts of the trace to evaluate and which expected fields to use. You can use any of the built-in Mosaic AI Agent Evaluation judges. See Built-in AI judges.

Ensure the retrieved context has no PII

This example calls the guideline_adherence judge to ensure that the retrieved context has no PII.

import mlflow
import pandas as pd
from databricks.agents.evals import metric
from databricks.agents.evals import judges

evals = [
"request": "Good morning",
"response": "Good morning to you too!",
"retrieved_context": [{
"content": "The email address is",
}, {
"request": "Good afternoon",
"response": "This is actually the morning!",
"retrieved_context": [{
"content": "fake retrieved context",

def retrieved_context_no_pii(request, response, retrieved_context):
retrieved_content = '\n'.join([c['content'] for c in retrieved_context])
return judges.guideline_adherence(
"The response must not contain personally identifiable information.",

with mlflow.start_run(run_name="safety"):
eval_results = mlflow.evaluate(
# Disable built-in judges.
'databricks-agent': {
"metrics": [],

Numeric metrics

Numeric metrics evaluate ordinal values, such as floats or integers. Numeric metrics are shown in the UI per row, along with the average value for the evaluation run.

Example: response similarity

This metric measures similarity between response and expected_response using the built-in python library SequenceMatcher.

import mlflow
import pandas as pd
from databricks.agents.evals import metric
from difflib import SequenceMatcher

evals = [
"request": "Good morning",
"response": "Good morning to you too!",
"expected_response": "Hello and good morning to you!"
}, {
"request": "Good afternoon",
"response": "I am an LLM and I cannot answer that question.",
"expected_response": "Good afternoon to you too!"

def response_similarity(response, expected_response):
s = SequenceMatcher(a=response, b=expected_response)
return s.ratio()

with mlflow.start_run(run_name="response_similarity"):
eval_results = mlflow.evaluate(
'databricks-agent': {
"metrics": [],

Boolean metrics

Boolean metrics evaluate to True or False. These are useful for binary decisions, such as checking whether a response meets a simple heuristic. If you want the metric to have a special pass/fail treatment in the UI, see pass/fail metrics.

Example: Check input requests are properly formatted

This metric checks if the arbitrary input is formatted as expected and returns True if it is.

import mlflow
import pandas as pd
from databricks.agents.evals import metric

evals = [
"request": {"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "Good morning"}]},
}, {
"request": {"inputs": ["Good afternoon"]},
}, {
"request": {"inputs": [1, 2, 3, 4]},

def check_valid_format(request):
# Check that the request contains a top-level key called "inputs" with a value of a list
return "inputs" in request and isinstance(request.get("inputs"), list)

with mlflow.start_run(run_name="check_format"):
eval_results = mlflow.evaluate(
# Disable built-in judges.
'databricks-agent': {
"metrics": [],

Example: Language-model self-reference

This metric checks if the response mentions “LLM” and returns True if it does.

import mlflow
import pandas as pd
from databricks.agents.evals import metric

evals = [
"request": "Good morning",
"response": "Good morning to you too!"
}, {
"request": "Good afternoon",
"response": "I am an LLM and I cannot answer that question."

def response_mentions_llm(response):
return "LLM" in response

with mlflow.start_run(run_name="response_mentions_llm"):
eval_results = mlflow.evaluate(
'databricks-agent': {
"metrics": [],

Using custom_expected

The custom_expected field can be used to pass any other expected information to a custom metric.

Example: Response length bounded

This example shows how to require that the length of the response be within (min_length, max_length) bounds set for each example. Use custom_expected to store any row-level information to be passed to custom metrics when creating an assessment.

import mlflow
import pandas as pd
from databricks.agents.evals import metric
from databricks.agents.evals import judges

evals = [
"request": "Good morning",
"response": "Good night.",
"custom_expected": {
"max_length": 100,
"min_length": 3
}, {
"request": "What is the date?",
"response": "12/19/2024",
"custom_expected": {
"min_length": 10,
"max_length": 20,

# The custom metric uses the "min_length" and "max_length" from the "custom_expected" field.
def response_len_bounds(
# This is the exact_expected_response from your eval dataframe.
return len(response) <= custom_expected["max_length"] and len(response) >= custom_expected["min_length"]

with mlflow.start_run(run_name="response_len_bounds"):
eval_results = mlflow.evaluate(
# Disable built-in judges.
'databricks-agent': {
"metrics": [],

Assertions over traces

Custom metrics can assess any part of an MLflow trace produced by the agent, including spans, attributes, and outputs.

Example: Request classification & routing

This example builds an agent that determines whether the user query is a question or a statement and returns it in plain English to the user. In a more realistic scenario, you might use this technique to route different queries to different functionality.

The evaluation set ensures that the query-type classifier produces the right results for a set of inputs by using custom metrics that inspect the MLFlow trace.

This example uses the MLflow Trace.search_spans to find spans with type KEYWORD, which is a custom span type that you defined for this agent.


import mlflow
import pandas as pd
from mlflow.models.rag_signatures import ChatCompletionResponse, ChatCompletionRequest
from databricks.agents.evals import metric
from databricks.agents.evals import judges
from mlflow.evaluation import Assessment
from mlflow.entities import Trace
from mlflow.deployments import get_deploy_client

# This agent is a toy example that returns simple statistics about the user's request.
# To get the stats about the request, the agent calls methods to compute stats before returning the stats in natural language.

deploy_client = get_deploy_client("databricks")

def classify_question_answer(request: str) -> str:
system_prompt = """
Return "question" if the request is formed as a question, even without correct punctuation.
Return "statement" if the request is a statement, even without correct punctuation.
Return "unknown" otherwise.

Do not return a preamble, only return a single word.
request = {
"messages": [
{"role": "system", "content": system_prompt},
{"role": "user", "content": request},
"temperature": .01,
"max_tokens": 1000

result = deploy_client.predict(endpoint=ENDPOINT_NAME, inputs=request)
return result.choices[0]['message']['content']

@mlflow.trace(name="agent", span_type="CHAIN")
def question_answer_agent(request: ChatCompletionRequest) -> ChatCompletionResponse:
user_query = request["messages"][-1]["content"]

request_type = classify_question_answer(user_query)
response = f"The request is a {request_type}."

return {
"messages": [
*request["messages"][:-1], # Keep the chat history.
{"role": "user", "content": response}

# Define the evaluation set with a set of requests and the expected request types for those requests.
evals = [
"request": "This is a question",
"custom_expected": {
"request_type": "statement"
}, {
"request": "What is the date?",
"custom_expected": {
"request_type": "question"

# The custom metric checks the expected request type against the actual request type produced by the agent trace.
def correct_request_type(request, trace, custom_expected):
classification_span = trace.search_spans(name="classify_question_answer")[0]
return classification_span.outputs == custom_expected['request_type']

with mlflow.start_run(run_name="multiple_assessments_single_metric"):
eval_results = mlflow.evaluate(
'databricks-agent': {
"metrics": [],

By leveraging these examples, you can design custom metrics to meet your unique evaluation needs.

Evaluating tool calls

Custom metrics will be provided with tool_calls which are a list of ToolCallInvocation that give you information about which tools were called, and what they returned.

Example: Asserting the right tool is called


This example is not copy-pastable as it does not define the LangGraph agent. See the attached notebook for the fully-runnable example.

import mlflow
import pandas as pd
from databricks.agents.evals import metric
from databricks.agents.evals import judges

eval_data = pd.DataFrame(
"request": "what is 3 * 12?",
"expected_response": "36",
"custom_expected": {
"expected_tool_name": "multiply"
"request": "what is 3 + 12?",
"expected_response": "15",
"custom_expected": {
"expected_tool_name": "add"

def is_correct_tool(tool_calls, custom_expected):
# Metric to check whether the first tool call is the expected tool
return tool_calls[0].tool_name == custom_expected["expected_tool_name"]

def is_reasonable_tool(request, trace, tool_calls):
# Metric using the guideline adherence judge to determine whether the chosen tools are reasonable
# given the set of available tools. Note that `available_tools` requires `databricks-agents >= 0.16.0`
tool_call_choice = f"""
<chosen_tools>{[tool_call.tool_name for tool_call in tool_calls]}</chosen_tools>

return judges.guideline_adherence(
"The selected tool must be a reasonable tool call with respect to the request and available tools.",

results = mlflow.evaluate(

Develop custom metrics

As you develop metrics, you need to quickly iterate on the metric without having to execute the agent every time you make a change. To make this simpler, use the following strategy:

  1. Generate an answer sheet from the eval dataset agent. This executes the agent for each of the entries in the evaluation set, generating responses and traces that you can use the call the metric directly.
  2. Define the metric.
  3. Call the metric for each value in the answer sheet directly and iterate on the metric definition.
  4. When the metric is behaving as you expect, run mlflow.evaluate() on the same answer sheet to verify that the results from running Agent Evaluation are what you expect. The code in this example does not use the model= field, so the evaluation uses pre-computed responses.
  5. When you are satisfied with the performance of the metric, enable the model= field in mlflow.evaluate() to call the agent interactively.
import mlflow
import pandas as pd
from databricks.agents.evals import metric
from databricks.agents.evals import judges
from mlflow.evaluation import Assessment
from mlflow.entities import Trace

evals = [
"request": "What is Databricks?",
"custom_expected": {
"keywords": ["databricks"],
"expected_response": "Databricks is a cloud-based analytics platform.",
"expected_facts": ["Databricks is a cloud-based analytics platform."],
"expected_retrieved_context": [{"content": "Databricks is a cloud-based analytics platform.", "doc_uri": ""}]
}, {
"request": "When was Databricks founded?",
"custom_expected": {
"keywords": ["when", "databricks", "founded"]
"expected_response": "Databricks was founded in 2012",
"expected_facts": ["Databricks was founded in 2012"],
"expected_retrieved_context": [{"content": "Databricks is a cloud-based analytics platform.", "doc_uri": ""}]
}, {
"request": "How do I convert a timestamp_ms to a timestamp in dbsql?",
"custom_expected": {
"keywords": ["timestamp_ms", "timestamp", "dbsql"]
"expected_response": "You can convert a timestamp with...",
"expected_facts": ["You can convert a timestamp with..."],
"expected_retrieved_context": [{"content": "You can convert a timestamp with...", "doc_uri": ""}]
## Step 1: Generate an answer sheet with all of the built-in judges turned off.
## This code calls the agent for all the rows in the evaluation set, which you can use to build the metric.
answer_sheet_df = mlflow.evaluate(
# Turn off built-in judges to just build an answer sheet.
evaluator_config={"databricks-agent": {"metrics": []}

answer_sheet = answer_sheet_df.to_dict(orient='records')

## Step 2: Define the metric.
def custom_metric_consistency(
# This is the exact_expected_response from your eval dataframe.
print(f"[custom_metric] request: {request}")
print(f"[custom_metric] response: {response}")
print(f"[custom_metric] retrieved_context: {retrieved_context}")
print(f"[custom_metric] expected_response: {expected_response}")
print(f"[custom_metric] expected_facts: {expected_facts}")
print(f"[custom_metric] expected_retrieved_context: {expected_retrieved_context}")
print(f"[custom_metric] trace: {trace}")

return True

## Step 3: Call the metric directly before using the evaluation harness to iterate on the metric definition.
for row in answer_sheet:

## Step 4: After you are confident in the signature of the metric, you can run the harness with the answer sheet to trigger the output validation and make sure the UI reflects what you intended.
with mlflow.start_run(run_name="exact_expected_response"):
eval_results = mlflow.evaluate(
## Step 5: Re-enable the model here to call the agent when we are working on the agent definition.
# model=rag_agent,
# Uncomment to turn off built-in judges.
# evaluator_config={
# 'databricks-agent': {
# "metrics": [],
# }
# }

Example notebook

The following example notebook illustrates some different ways to use custom metrics in Mosaic AI Agent Evaluation.

Agent Evaluation custom metrics example notebook

Open notebook in new tab