Python Wheel task for jobs
Use the Python wheel task type to deploy code packaged as a Python wheel.
- You must upload your Python wheel file to a location or repository compatible with your compute configuration.
- You must know the name and entry point defined in the
Configure a Python wheel task
The jobs UI displays options dynamically based on other configured settings.
Add a Python wheel
task from the Tasks tab in the Jobs UI by doing the following:
- In the Type drop-down menu, select
Python wheel
. - In the Package name field, enter the value assigned to the
. - In the Entry Point field, enter the function that runs the logic in the wheel. This function must be defined as a key in the
. - Use Compute to select or configure a cluster that supports the logic in your wheel.
- If you use
compute, use the Environment and Libraries field to select, edit, or add a new environment. See Configure the serverless environment. - For all other compute configurations, click + Add under Dependent libraries. The Add dependent library dialogue appears.
- You can select an existing Python wheel or upload a new Python wheel file.
- You must store wheel files in a location supported by your compute configurations. See Python library support.
- Each Library Source has a different flow for selecting or uploading a wheel. See Libraries.
- (Optional) Configure Parameters. You can use either Positional arguments or Keyword arguments. See Configure task parameters.
- Click Save task.