Submit product feedback

You can submit feedback directly to the product team to influence the Databricks product roadmap in the following ways:

  • To quickly submit feedback about your experience with Databricks, fill out the feedback form in your workspace.

  • To interactively contribute to the product roadmap, submit a feature request in the Ideas Portal. You can view, comment, and vote up other users’ requests. You can also monitor the progress of your favorite ideas as the Databricks product team goes through their product planning and development process.

Submit feedback from the workspace

To quickly submit product feedback from the Databricks workspace, do the following:

  1. Log in to your Databricks workspace.

  2. In the top navigation bar, click In-product help assistant icon - color, then click Send feedback in the assistant. You can also click your user icon in the top bar, then click Send feedback.

  3. In the text box, enter a description of the problem you’re trying to solve and how your idea will help you.

  4. (Optional) To submit a screenshot of the problem, click Capture a screenshot.

    1. Click the tab, window, or screen you want to capture, and then click Share.

    2. Use your cursor to highlight or redact information, and then click Done.

  5. (Optional) Select the Databricks may contact me about this feedback check box.

  6. Click Submit.

Create an idea in the Ideas Portal

For a quick tutorial on submitting an idea directly to the Ideas Portal, watch this video:

Submitting an idea

  1. Go to


    If you go directly to and you do not have an active workspace session, you’re prompted to log in to Databricks first. If the sign-in system cannot determine your workspace, you might be prompted to enter your workspace domain in the format <deployment-name>

  2. Click Add a new idea.

    Add idea
  3. Provide a one-sentence summary describing the nature of your idea.

    Idea details
  4. You might be asked if an existing idea satisfies your request. If a suggested idea does the job, feel free to vote on it and provide a comment instead.

    Vote on idea
  5. Enter more details to describe the problem you’re trying to solve and how your idea will help you.

    More idea details
  6. Choose the category that best describes the problem being solved. If there are multiple categories that apply, pick the one that fits best.

    Idea category
  7. Click Share Idea.

Vote and comment on ideas

You can view, vote, and comment on other users’ ideas. The number of votes indicates how important an idea is to Databricks users and helps Databricks product managers prioritize ideas.

If you see an idea that you agree with, go ahead and vote for it and enter a comment to tell everyone why. The more you explain, the easier it is for the product team to meet your needs.

To vote, just click the Vote icon.

Vote for idea

You can vote only once for each idea.

To enter a comment, click the comment icon.

Enter comment

How does the product team use ideas?

The product team considers these ideas each time they prepare for quarterly roadmap planning. Product managers use the following statuses to indicate their decision:

  • Open: not yet reviewed; waiting on more information before making a decision.

  • Considered For Future: will not be implemented immediately, but will be revisited at a later date.

  • Prioritized In Roadmap: work has not yet begun, but product and engineering plan to work on it imminently.

  • In Development: product and engineering are actively working on the feature.

  • Released: requested feature has been shipped!

  • Already Exists: requested feature is already available in the product.

  • Will Not Implement: the product team has determined that there is not enough support for an idea and it will not be implemented.

What does it take for an idea to be prioritized in the Databricks roadmap?

Two of the most important company values at Databricks are to let the data decide and to listen to our customers. If an idea has garnered a significant number of votes, product managers will dig deeper into the idea and determine the best way to address the request.

SLA for product management response

The product management team reviews ideas regularly and monitors the Ideas Portal to ensure that it is up to date.

What happened to the requests submitted in the previous feedback portal?

All ideas from the previous feedback portal that are still relevant have been transferred to this next-generation Ideas Portal. Feel free to vote on them!

Ideas Portal etiquette

Be respectful of fellow contributors.