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Query MySQL with Databricks

This example queries MySQL using its JDBC driver. For more details on reading, writing, configuring parallelism, and query pushdown, see Query databases using JDBC.


The configurations described in this article are Experimental. Experimental features are provided as-is and are not supported by Databricks through customer technical support. To get full query federation support, you should instead use Lakehouse Federation, which enables your Databricks users to take advantage of Unity Catalog syntax and data governance tools.

Using JDBC

driver = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"

database_host = "<database-host-url>"
database_port = "3306" # update if you use a non-default port
database_name = "<database-name>"
table = "<table-name>"
user = "<username>"
password = "<password>"

url = f"jdbc:mysql://{database_host}:{database_port}/{database_name}"

remote_table = (
.option("driver", driver)
.option("url", url)
.option("dbtable", table)
.option("user", user)
.option("password", password)

Using the MySQL connector in Databricks Runtime

Using Databricks Runtime 11.3 LTS and above, you can use the named connector to query MySQL. See the following examples:

remote_table = (
.option("dbtable", "table_name")
.option("host", "database_hostname")
.option("port", "3306") # Optional - will use default port 3306 if not specified.
.option("database", "database_name")
.option("user", "username")
.option("password", "password")