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Share data and AI assets securely with users in other organizations

This article introduces the features that enable you to share the data and AI assets you have in Databricks with users who are outside your organization or are on different metastores within your Databricks account:

  • Delta Sharing is the core of the Databricks secure data sharing platform, enabling you to share data and AI assets in Databricks with users outside your organization, whether those users use Databricks or not. Also available as an open-source project for sharing tabular data, using it in Databricks adds the ability to share non-tabular, unstructured data (volumes), AI models, views, filtered data, and notebooks. Delta Sharing also provides the backbone for Databricks Marketplace.
  • Databricks Marketplace is an open forum for exchanging data products. Providers must have a Databricks account, but recipients can be anybody. Marketplace assets include datasets, Databricks notebooks, Databricks Solution Accelerators, and machine learning (AI) models. Datasets are typically made available as catalogs of tabular data, although non-tabular data, in the form of Databricks volumes, is also supported. Solution Accelerators are available as clonable Git repos.

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