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Log and register AI agents

Log AI agents using Mosaic AI Agent Framework. Logging an agent is the basis of the development process. Logging captures a “point in time” of the agent’s code and configuration so you can evaluate the quality of the configuration.


Create an AI agent before logging it.

Databricks recommends installing the latest version of the databricks-sdk.

% pip install databricks-sdk

Code-based logging

Databricks recommends using MLflow’s Models from Code functionality when logging agents.

In this approach, the agent’s code is captured as a Python file, and the Python environment is captured as a list of packages. When the agent is deployed, the Python environment is restored, and the agent’s code is executed to load the agent into memory so it can be invoked when the endpoint is called.

You can couple this approach with the use of pre-deployment validation APIs like mlflow.models.predict() to ensure that the agent runs reliably when deployed for serving.

To see an example of code-based logging, see ChatAgent authoring example notebooks.

Infer Model Signature during logging


Databricks recommends authoring an agent using the ChatAgent interface. If using ChatAgent, you can skip this section; MLflow automatically infers a valid signature for your agent.

If not using the ChatAgent interface, you must use one of the following methods to specify your agent's MLflow Model Signature at logging time:

  1. Manually define the signature
  2. Use MLflow’s Model Signature inferencing capabilities to automatically generate the agent’s signature based on an input example you provide. This approach is more convenient than manually defining the signature.

The MLflow model signature validates inputs and outputs to ensure the agent interacts correctly with downstream tools like AI Playground and the review app. It also guides other applications on how to use the agent effectively.

The LangChain and PyFunc examples below use Model Signature inferencing.

If you would rather explicitly define a Model Signature yourself at logging time, see MLflow docs - How to log models with signatures.

Code-based logging with LangChain

The following instructions and code sample show you how to log an agent with LangChain.

  1. Create a notebook or Python file with your code. For this example, the notebook or file is named The notebook or file must contain a LangChain agent, referred to here as lc_agent.

  2. Include mlflow.models.set_model(lc_agent) in the notebook or file.

  3. Create a new notebook to serve as the driver notebook (called in this example).

  4. In the driver notebook, use the following code to run and log the results to an MLflow model:

    mlflow.langchain.log_model(lc_model="/path/to/", resources=list_of_databricks_resources)

    The resources parameter declares Databricks-managed resources needed to serve the agent, such as a vector search index or serving endpoint that serves a foundation model. For more information, see Specify resources for automatic authentication passthrough.

  5. Deploy the model. See Deploy an agent for generative AI applications.

  6. When the serving environment is loaded, is executed.

  7. When a serving request comes in, lc_agent.invoke(...) is called.


import mlflow

code_path = "/Workspace/Users/first.last/"
config_path = "/Workspace/Users/first.last/config.yml"

# Input example used by MLflow to infer Model Signature
input_example = {
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "What is Retrieval-augmented Generation?",

# example using langchain
with mlflow.start_run():
logged_agent_info = mlflow.langchain.log_model(
model_config=config_path, # If you specify this parameter, this configuration is used by agent code. The development_config is overwritten.
artifact_path="agent", # This string is used as the path inside the MLflow model where artifacts are stored
input_example=input_example, # Must be a valid input to the agent
example_no_conversion=True, # Required

print(f"MLflow Run: {logged_agent_info.run_id}")
print(f"Model URI: {logged_agent_info.model_uri}")

# To verify that the model has been logged correctly, load the agent and call `invoke`:
model = mlflow.langchain.load_model(logged_agent_info.model_uri)

Code-based logging with PyFunc

The following instructions and code sample show you how to log an agent with PyFunc.

  1. Create a notebook or Python file with your code. For this example, the notebook or file is named The notebook or file must contain a PyFunc class, named PyFuncClass.

  2. Include mlflow.models.set_model(PyFuncClass) in the notebook or file.

  3. Create a new notebook to serve as the driver notebook (called in this example).

  4. In the driver notebook, use the following code to run and log the results to an MLflow model:

    mlflow.pyfunc.log_model(python_model="/path/to/", resources=list_of_databricks_resources)

    The resources parameter declares Databricks-managed resources needed to serve the agent, such as a vector search index or serving endpoint that serves a foundation model. For more information, see Specify resources for automatic authentication passthrough.

  5. Deploy the model. See Deploy an agent for generative AI applications.

  6. When the serving environment is loaded, is executed.

  7. When a serving request comes in, PyFuncClass.predict(...) is called.

import mlflow
from mlflow.models.resources import (

code_path = "/Workspace/Users/first.last/"
config_path = "/Workspace/Users/first.last/config.yml"

# Input example used by MLflow to infer Model Signature
input_example = {
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "What is Retrieval-augmented Generation?",

with mlflow.start_run():
logged_agent_info = mlflow.pyfunc.log_model(

print(f"MLflow Run: {logged_agent_info.run_id}")
print(f"Model URI: {logged_agent_info.model_uri}")

# To verify that the model has been logged correctly, load the agent and call `invoke`:
model = mlflow.pyfunc.load_model(logged_agent_info.model_uri)

Specify resources for automatic authentication passthrough

AI agents often must authenticate to other resources to complete tasks. For example, an agent may need to access a Vector Search index to query unstructured data.

As described in Authentication for dependent resources, Model Serving supports authenticating to both Databricks-managed and external resources when you deploy the agent.

For the most common Databricks resource types, Databricks supports and recommends declaring resource dependencies for the agent upfront during logging. This enables automatic authentication passthrough when you deploy the agent - Databricks automatically provisions, rotates, and manages short-lived credentials to securely access these resource dependencies from within the agent endpoint.

To enable automatic authentication passthrough, specify dependent resources using the resources parameter of the log_model() API, as shown in the following code.

import mlflow
from mlflow.models.resources import (

with mlflow.start_run():
logged_agent_info = mlflow.pyfunc.log_model(
# Specify resources for automatic authentication passthrough

Databricks recommends you manually specify resources for all agent flavors.


If you do not specify resources when logging LangChain agents using mlflow.langchain.log_model(...), MLflow performs best-effort automatic inference of resources. However, this may not capture all dependencies, resulting in authorization errors when serving or querying the agent.

The following table lists the Databricks resources that support automatic authentication passthrough and the minimum mlflow version required to log the resource.

Resource type

Minimum mlflow version required to log the resource

Vector Search index

Requires mlflow 2.13.1 or above

Model serving endpoint

Requires mlflow 2.13.1 or above

SQL warehouse

Requires mlflow 2.16.1 or above

Unity Catalog function

Requires mlflow 2.16.1 or above

Genie space

Requires mlflow 2.17.1 or above

Unity Catalog table

Requires mlflow 2.18.0 or above

Unity Catalog connection

Requires mlflow 2.17.1 or above

Automatic authentication for OpenAI clients

If your agent uses the OpenAI client, use the Databricks SDK to authenticate automatically during deployment. Databricks SDK provides a wrapper for constructing the OpenAI client with authorization automatically configured. Run the following in your notebook:

% pip install databricks-sdk[openai]
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
def openai_client(self):
w = WorkspaceClient()
return w.serving_endpoints.get_open_ai_client()

Then, specify the Model Serving endpoint as part of resources to authenticate automatically at deployment time.

Register the agent to Unity Catalog

Before you deploy the agent, you must register the agent to Unity Catalog. Registering the agent packages it as a model in Unity Catalog. As a result, you can use Unity Catalog permissions for authorization for resources in the agent.

import mlflow


catalog_name = "test_catalog"
schema_name = "schema"
model_name = "agent_name"

model_name = catalog_name + "." + schema_name + "." + model_name
uc_model_info = mlflow.register_model(model_uri=logged_agent_info.model_uri, name=model_name)

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