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http_request function

Applies to: check marked yes Databricks SQL check marked yes Databricks Runtime 16.2 and later

Makes an HTTP request using a defined HTTP connection.

This function requires named parameter invocation.


http_request( { CONN => connectionName |
METHOD => httpMethod |
PATH => path |
HEADERS => headerMap |
PARAMS => paramMap |
JSON => jsonStr } [, ..] )


An error is raised if a parameter is specified more than once.

  • connectionName

    A STRING constant referencing an existing HTTP connection identifier. This argument is required

  • httpMethod

    A STRING constant expression representing the HTTP method to use. The following methods are supported: ‘GET’, ‘POST’, ‘PUT’, ‘DELETE’, ‘PATCH’. This argument is required.

  • path

    A STRING constant expression which gets appended to the base_path of the connection URL. The path must not contain directory traversal (../..). This argument is required.

  • headerMap

    An optional MAP<STRING, STRING> containing request headers. The default is NULL.

  • paramMap

    An optional MAP<STRING, STRING> with request query params in JSON format. The default is NULL.

  • jsonStr

    An optional JSON string expression with the request body.


A STRUCT<status_code INT, text STRING> where

  • status_code is the HTTP status code of the response from the external service. For example: 200 or 403.
  • text is the response returned by the external service. Typically, this is a JSON string.


-- Set up a connect to Slack.
host '',
port '443',
base_path '/api/',
bearer_token 'xoxb-xxxxx'

-- Request to the external service
> SELECT http_request(
conn => 'slack_conn',
method => 'POST',
path => '/chat.postMessage',
json => to_json(named_struct(
'channel', channel,
'text', text
headers => map(
'Accept', "application/vnd.github+json",