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Read data shared using Delta Sharing open sharing (for recipients)

This article describes how to read data that has been shared with you using the Delta Sharing open sharing protocol. It includes instructions for reading shared data using Databricks, Apache Spark, pandas, Power BI, and Tableau.

In open sharing, you use a credential file that was shared with a member of your team by the data provider to gain secure read access to shared data. Access persists as long as the credential is valid and the provider continues to share the data. Providers manage credential expiration and rotation. Updates to the data are available to you in near real time. You can read and make copies of the shared data, but you can’t modify the source data.


If data has been shared with you using Databricks-to-Databricks Delta Sharing, you don’t need a credential file to access data, and this article doesn’t apply to you. For instructions, see Read data shared using Databricks-to-Databricks Delta Sharing (for recipients).

The sections that follow describe how to use Databricks, Apache Spark, pandas, and Power BI to access and read shared data using the credential file. For a full list of Delta Sharing connectors and information about how to use them, see the Delta Sharing open source documentation. If you run into trouble accessing the shared data, contact the data provider.


Partner integrations are, unless otherwise noted, provided by the third parties and you must have an account with the appropriate provider for the use of their products and services. While Databricks does its best to keep this content up to date, we make no representation regarding the integrations or the accuracy of the content on the partner integration pages. Reach out to the appropriate providers regarding the integrations.

Before you begin

A member of your team must download the credential file shared by the data provider. See Get access in the open sharing model.

They should use a secure channel to share that file or file location with you.

Databricks: Read shared data using open sharing connectors

This section describes how to import a provider and how to query the shared data in Catalog Explorer or in a Python notebook:

  • If your Databricks workspace is enabled for Unity Catalog, use the Import provider UI in Catalog Explorer. This enables you to create catalogs from shares with the click of a button, use Unity Catalog access controls to grant access to shared tables, and use standard Unity Catalog syntax to query those shares, with no need to store a credential file or specify it when you query shared data.
  • If your Databricks workspace is not enabled for Unity Catalog, use the Python notebook instructions as an example. The notebook instructions also describe how to use a notebook to list and read shared tables.

If the data provider is using Databricks-to-Databricks sharing, they do not need to share a credential file with you, and the instructions in this article do not apply to you. Instead, see Read data shared using Databricks-to-Databricks Delta Sharing (for recipients).

Permissions required: A metastore admin or a user who has both the CREATE PROVIDER and USE PROVIDER privileges for your Unity Catalog metastore.

  1. In your Databricks workspace, click Catalog icon Catalog to open Catalog Explorer.

  2. At the top of the Catalog pane, click the Gear icon gear icon and select Delta Sharing.

    Alternatively, from the Quick access page, click the Delta Sharing > button.

  3. On the Shared with me tab, click Import provider directly.

  4. On the Import provider dialog, enter the provider name.

    The name cannot include spaces.

  5. Upload the credential file that the provider shared with you.

    Many providers have their own Delta Sharing networks that you can receive shares from. For more information, see Provider-specific configurations.

  6. (Optional) Enter a comment.

    Import a provider's credential file using the UI

  7. Click Import.

  8. Create catalogs from the shared data.

    On the Shares tab, click Create catalog on the share row.

    For information about using SQL or the Databricks CLI to create a catalog from a share, see Create a catalog from a share.

  9. Grant access to the catalogs.

    See How do I make shared data available to my team? and Manage permissions for the schemas, tables, and volumes in a Delta Sharing catalog.

  10. Read the shared data objects just like you would any data object that is registered in Unity Catalog.

    For details and examples, see Access data in a shared table or volume.

Apache Spark: Read shared data

Follow these steps to access shared data using Spark 3.x or above.

These instructions assume that you have access to the credential file that was shared by the data provider. See Get access in the open sharing model.


If you are using Spark on a Databricks workspace that is enabled for Unity Catalog, and you used the import provider UI to import the provider and share, the instructions in this section do not apply to you. You can access shared tables just as you would any other table that is registered in Unity Catalog. You do not need to install the delta-sharing Python connector or provide the path to the credential file. See Databricks: Read shared data using open sharing connectors.

Install the Delta Sharing Python and Spark connectors

To access metadata related to the shared data, such as the list of tables shared with you, do the following. This example uses Python.

  1. Install the delta-sharing Python connector:

    pip install delta-sharing
  2. Install the Apache Spark connector.

List shared tables using Spark

List the tables in the share. In the following example, replace <profile-path> with the location of the credential file.

import delta_sharing

client = delta_sharing.SharingClient(f"<profile-path>/config.share")


The result is an array of tables, along with metadata for each table. The following output shows two tables:

Out[10]: [Table(name='example_table', share='example_share_0', schema='default'), Table(name='other_example_table', share='example_share_0', schema='default')]

If the output is empty or doesn’t contain the tables you expect, contact the data provider.

Access shared data using Spark

Run the following, replacing these variables:

  • <profile-path>: the location of the credential file.
  • <share-name>: the value of share= for the table.
  • <schema-name>: the value of schema= for the table.
  • <table-name>: the value of name= for the table.
  • <version-as-of>: optional. The version of the table to load the data. Only works if the data provider shares the history of the table. Requires delta-sharing-spark 0.5.0 or above.
  • <timestamp-as-of>: optional. Load the data at the version before or at the given timestamp. Only works if the data provider shares the history of the table. Requires delta-sharing-spark 0.6.0 or above.
delta_sharing.load_as_spark(f"<profile-path>#<share-name>.<schema-name>.<table-name>", version=<version-as-of>)"deltaSharing")\
.option("versionAsOf", <version-as-of>)\

delta_sharing.load_as_spark(f"<profile-path>#<share-name>.<schema-name>.<table-name>", timestamp=<timestamp-as-of>)"deltaSharing")\
.option("timestampAsOf", <timestamp-as-of>)\

Access shared change data feed using Spark

If the table history has been shared with you and change data feed (CDF) is enabled on the source table, you can access the change data feed by running the following, replacing these variables. Requires delta-sharing-spark 0.5.0 or above.

One and only one start parameter must be provided.

  • <profile-path>: the location of the credential file.
  • <share-name>: the value of share= for the table.
  • <schema-name>: the value of schema= for the table.
  • <table-name>: the value of name= for the table.
  • <starting-version>: optional. The starting version of the query, inclusive. Specify as a Long.
  • <ending-version>: optional. The ending version of the query, inclusive. If the ending version is not provided, the API uses the latest table version.
  • <starting-timestamp>: optional. The starting timestamp of the query, this is converted to a version created greater or equal to this timestamp. Specify as a string in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.fffffffff].
  • <ending-timestamp>: optional. The ending timestamp of the query, this is converted to a version created earlier or equal to this timestamp. Specify as a string in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.fffffffff]

ending_timestamp=<ending-timestamp>)"deltaSharing").option("readChangeFeed", "true")\
.option("statingVersion", <starting-version>)\
.option("endingVersion", <ending-version>)\
.load("<profile-path>#<share-name>.<schema-name>.<table-name>")"deltaSharing").option("readChangeFeed", "true")\
.option("startingTimestamp", <starting-timestamp>)\
.option("endingTimestamp", <ending-timestamp>)\

If the output is empty or doesn’t contain the data you expect, contact the data provider.

Access a shared table using Spark Structured Streaming

If the table history is shared with you, you can stream read the shared data. Requires delta-sharing-spark 0.6.0 or above.

Supported options:

  • ignoreDeletes: Ignore transactions that delete data.
  • ignoreChanges: Re-process updates if files were rewritten in the source table due to a data changing operation such as UPDATE, MERGE INTO, DELETE (within partitions), or OVERWRITE. Unchanged rows can still be emitted. Therefore your downstream consumers should be able to handle duplicates. Deletes are not propagated downstream. ignoreChanges subsumes ignoreDeletes. Therefore if you use ignoreChanges, your stream will not be disrupted by either deletions or updates to the source table.
  • startingVersion: The shared table version to start from. All table changes starting from this version (inclusive) will be read by the streaming source.
  • startingTimestamp: The timestamp to start from. All table changes committed at or after the timestamp (inclusive) will be read by the streaming source. Example: "2023-01-01 00:00:00.0".
  • maxFilesPerTrigger: The number of new files to be considered in every micro-batch.
  • maxBytesPerTrigger: The amount of data that gets processed in each micro-batch. This option sets a “soft max”, meaning that a batch processes approximately this amount of data and may process more than the limit in order to make the streaming query move forward in cases when the smallest input unit is larger than this limit.
  • readChangeFeed: Stream read the change data feed of the shared table.

Unsupported options:

  • Trigger.availableNow

Sample Structured Streaming queries

.option("startingVersion", 0)
.option("ignoreChanges", true)
.option("maxFilesPerTrigger", 10)

See also Streaming on Databricks.

Read tables with deletion vectors or column mapping enabled


This feature is in Public Preview.

Deletion vectors are a storage optimization feature that your provider can enable on shared Delta tables. See What are deletion vectors?.

Databricks also supports column mapping for Delta tables. See Rename and drop columns with Delta Lake column mapping.

If your provider shared a table with deletion vectors or column mapping enabled, you can read the table using compute that is running delta-sharing-spark 3.1 or above. If you are using Databricks clusters, you can perform batch reads using a cluster running Databricks Runtime 14.1 or above. CDF and streaming queries require Databricks Runtime 14.2 or above.

You can perform batch queries as-is, because they can automatically resolve responseFormat based on the table features of the shared table.

To read a change data feed (CDF) or to perform streaming queries on shared tables with deletion vectors or column mapping enabled, you must set the additional option responseFormat=delta.

The following examples show batch, CDF, and streaming queries:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

val spark = SparkSession
.config("spark.sql.extensions", "")
.config("spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog", "")

val tablePath = "<profile-file-path>#<share-name>.<schema-name>.<table-name>"

// Batch query"deltaSharing").load(tablePath)

// CDF query"deltaSharing")
.option("readChangeFeed", "true")
.option("responseFormat", "delta")
.option("startingVersion", 1)

// Streaming query
spark.readStream.format("deltaSharing").option("responseFormat", "delta").load(tablePath)

Pandas: Read shared data

Follow these steps to access shared data in pandas 0.25.3 or above.

These instructions assume that you have access to the credential file that was shared by the data provider. See Get access in the open sharing model.


If you are using pandas on a Databricks workspace that is enabled for Unity Catalog, and you used the import provider UI to import the provider and share, the instructions in this section do not apply to you. You can access shared tables just as you would any other table that is registered in Unity Catalog. You do not need to install the delta-sharing Python connector or provide the path to the credential file. See Databricks: Read shared data using open sharing connectors.

Install the Delta Sharing Python connector

To access metadata related to the shared data, such as the list of tables shared with you, you must install the delta-sharing Python connector.

pip install delta-sharing

List shared tables using pandas

To list the tables in the share, run the following, replacing <profile-path>/config.share with the location of the credential file.

import delta_sharing

client = delta_sharing.SharingClient(f"<profile-path>/config.share")


If the output is empty or doesn’t contain the tables you expect, contact the data provider.

Access shared data using pandas

To access shared data in pandas using Python, run the following, replacing the variables as follows:

  • <profile-path>: the location of the credential file.
  • <share-name>: the value of share= for the table.
  • <schema-name>: the value of schema= for the table.
  • <table-name>: the value of name= for the table.
import delta_sharing

Access a shared change data feed using pandas

To access the change data feed for a shared table in pandas using Python run the following, replacing the variables as follows. A change data feed may not be available, depending on whether or not the data provider shared the change data feed for the table.

  • <starting-version>: optional. The starting version of the query, inclusive.
  • <ending-version>: optional. The ending version of the query, inclusive.
  • <starting-timestamp>: optional. The starting timestamp of the query. This is converted to a version created greater or equal to this timestamp.
  • <ending-timestamp>: optional. The ending timestamp of the query. This is converted to a version created earlier or equal to this timestamp.
import delta_sharing


If the output is empty or doesn’t contain the data you expect, contact the data provider.

Power BI: Read shared data

The Power BI Delta Sharing connector allows you to discover, analyze, and visualize datasets shared with you through the Delta Sharing open protocol.


Connect to Databricks

To connect to Databricks using the Delta Sharing connector, do the following:

  1. Open the shared credential file with a text editor to retrieve the endpoint URL and the token.
  2. Open Power BI Desktop.
  3. On the Get Data menu, search for Delta Sharing.
  4. Select the connector and click Connect.
  5. Enter the endpoint URL that you copied from the credentials file into the Delta Sharing Server URL field.
  6. Optionally, in the Advanced Options tab, set a Row Limit for the maximum number of rows that you can download. This is set to 1 million rows by default.
  7. Click OK.
  8. For Authentication, copy the token that you retrieved from the credentials file into Bearer Token.
  9. Click Connect.

Limitations of the Power BI Delta Sharing connector

The Power BI Delta Sharing Connector has the following limitations:

  • The data that the connector loads must fit into the memory of your machine. To manage this requirement, the connector limits the number of imported rows to the Row Limit that you set under the Advanced Options tab in Power BI Desktop.

Tableau: Read shared data

The Tableau Delta Sharing connector allows you to discover, analyze, and visualize datasets that are shared with you through the Delta Sharing open protocol.


Connect to Databricks

To connect to Databricks using the Delta Sharing connector, do the following:

  1. Go to Tableau Exchange, follow the instructions to download the Delta Sharing Connector, and put it in an appropriate desktop folder.
  2. Open Tableau Desktop.
  3. On the Connectors page, search for “Delta Sharing by Databricks”.
  4. Select Upload Share file, and choose the credential file that was shared by the provider.
  5. Click Get Data.
  6. In the Data Explorer, select the table.
  7. Optionally add SQL filters or row limits.
  8. Click Get Table Data.

Limitations of the Tableau Delta Sharing connector

The Tableau Delta Sharing Connector has the following limitations:

  • The data that the connector loads must fit into the memory of your machine. To manage this requirement, the connector limits the number of imported rows to the row limit that you set in Tableau.
  • All columns are returned as type String.
  • SQL Filter only works if your Delta Sharing server supports predicateHint.

Request a new credential

If your credential activation URL or downloaded credential is lost, corrupted, or compromised, or your credential expires without your provider sending you a new one, contact your provider to request a new credential.