Use Databricks APIs to manage dashboards

Dashboards are data objects that you can manage using Databricks REST APIs. You can use the Workspace API to work with them as generic workspace objects, or use Lakeview API tools, which are specifically designed for dashboard management. The tutorials listed in this section are designed to help you manage dashboards throughout their lifecycle, create new Lakeview dashboards from existing legacy dashboards, and move dashboards across different workspaces.

Manage dashboards with Workspace APIs

You can use the Workspace API to manage dashboards and other generic workspace data objects. If you’re already using this set of tools to manage workspace objects like Notebooks, you can continue to use them for many dashboard management operations.

See Tutorial: Manage dashboards with Workspace APIs for examples that demonstrate how to use Workspace and Lakeview APIs to manage dashboards.

Manage dashboards with Lakeview APIs

The Lakeview API is specifically designed to work with dashboard objects. Certain functionality in the Lakeview API mirrors available tools in the Workspace API but includes additional functionality specifically for dashboard management. The Lakeview API has functionality similar to the tools available in the Databricks SQL Dashboard API.

See Use the Lakeview APIs to create and manage dashboards for examples that demonstrate how to use Lakeview APIs to manage dashboards.

Manage dashboard permissions

Manage dashboard permissions using the Workspace API. See Tutorial: Manage dashboard permissions using the Workspace API.